Demand All-Girl Afghanistan Robotics Team Receive Visas

  • mottagare: Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson
The All-Girl Afghanistan robotics team has been denied the visas necessary for the team to attend the FIRST Global Challenge in Washington DC in mid July 2017.

These girls are not a security threat to the United States, and in fact Afghanistan is not even one of the Muslim countries included in the Trump Travel Ban.

The girls braved two trips from their home town of Herat to go 500 miles across the country to the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, the site of multiple suicide attacks and bombings. The girls were heart-broken when they were denied the ability to join their robot in the U.S. and compete against other young engineers from around the globe.

Please take action immediately and grant these girls' visas to attend this competition. For more information about their story, visit this website.
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