Let my income determine my FASFA amount!

    I have applied for FASFA and I can not get enough assistance because my parents, whom I do not live with or financially rely on, make more than enough to support me through college. I have learned that I cannot file as a dependent until I am 25, married or have a child. Why is it not based off my income? I’ve been supporting myself since I was 19. I went to college for Criminal Justice, before they cancelled the program, I was making good grades but didn’t qualify for any scholarships. I found out FASFA would only cover so much unless my parents took out a parent plus loan and they refused. I was told I would need $5000 upfront to continue going to class. I was given 1 month to come up with the money and I was unable to. I was told I could file a special request on my FASFA to file alone and the paper was basically thrown away because they refused to offer it after I jumped through hoops to get it filled out.
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