SONY, Stop false DMCAs!

I posted a video on YouTube not to long ago , it had gameplay of Dragonball Xenoverse. Yeah, Dragonball Xenoverse! Sony copyright striked my video because it had the most famous song in DBZ history, CHA-LA-HEAD-CHA-LA! I had to remove the song, because if I told YouTube that Sony doesn't own it, YouTube would've deleted the video, so I just decided to remove it. We all know that Sony never did anything with Anime, except having the games on their PlayStation systems! I searched many videos on YouTube using this song and they didn't copyright strike those videos, so why mine? I even found out that SONY never even remixed or made the song! I even search that Sony been making false copyright strikes on other videos, and they have, along with other companies! So I made this Petition so it can stop, right now! You can't making false copyright strikes for long Sony, we're onto you guys! You just officially removed me from the Xbox and PlayStation side to the Xbox side! Don't expect me to buy anything from you guys again! I'm suing you too for $420 and I want that music that you don't own back on my video! So, sign this petition if you want the False DMCAs to stop!

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