Better Health Care Benefits for Veterans!!

My husband is a 15yr. Veteran but because he was discharged early for his injuries, he missed out on full health benefits from the VA. He can't get dental or eye care because he missed retirement by five years. He only gets general health care. What we need is to have the administration of the VA to change this rule. All veterans who have served for ten years or more should get full health care benefits. They have served for their country and it's not right to not include dental and eyecare. My husband desperately needs denture's because of a hereditary gum disease and he also needs eyeglasses but because the VA won't cover it, he is suffering with bad teeth and wearing store bought reading glasses. I'm sure there are thousands of Veterans in America suffering the same way because they can't afford Obama Care and other insurance. Please sign this petition because our Veterans desrve better treatment from the VA. It shouldn't matter how long they served their country to receive full health care benefits, make the administration change the rules so our Veterans can have what they need!!
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