Demand completion of Malvern Springs parklands

In 2006 LWP released the first stages of Malvern Springs with the promise of providing a place that "links through the village and into surrounding pristine wetland areas for
families to walk, cycle or meander", "30kms of hike and bike trails and pathways so that you can enjoy the clean fresh air and the Naturespace" and " pockets of open
space positioned throughout the length of the village, called “beads”, which are connected by a network of paths, we’ve termed “strings”
Nearly ten years since that first release, LWP has gone on to develop Lexia and Annie's Landing with completed parklands in both areas whilst the people of Malvern Springs are still waiting for our parklands and pathways to be completed.
Let LWP know that we are tired of waiting. Sign this petition today.

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