Demand Funding for NHS and Social Care Now!!. 2023 Will be too late!

    Our NHS and Social Care are in crisis!! The government and citizens of the UK need to make a decision as to how we, as MP's and citizens try to address this very serious problem! It is no good addressing the problem for a solution in 2023, for goodness sake, it needs addressing NOW! To protect the infirm and vulnerable and elderly!. PLEASE SIGN IF YOU ARE A UK TAXPAYER TO CONFIRM YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY 1% EXTRA TAX TO ENSURE OUR NHS AND SOCIAL CARE SYSTEM CAN CONTINUE AND LOOK AFTER THE ELDERLY AND VULNERABLE...NOT IN 2023 BUT NOW IN 2018!! What happens to the elderly and vulnerable in the next five years?? If this is approved we, as UK citizens need assurances from Theresa May that any extra taxes we donate will be provided ONLY for the NHS and Social Care and not for any other purpose!
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