To end the suffering of innocent animals

    I am here to end animal cruelty this has to stop. These people who take advantage of innocent animals should be punished at the fullest extent of the law! Why Should their abusers only get slapped on the wrist with a fine? Why don't we make a new law to pass if this person hurts an innocent animal they should be punished the same exact way they hurt is there pets! Let them get a taste of their own medicine let's get Justice for these innocent animals who cannot protect themselves so we're here to protect them we are here to give him a voice! All we want to see is these animals going to a safe and loving home once this law is passed we will make sure that these beautiful pets go to a loving and caring home no more puppy mills no more breeding we will do extensive background checks their new owners we will have check- up all we want to see is that laws about animal cruelty or held strictly and have a animal offender Registration within the government so that we can be sure that these pets are going to a safe and loving home.
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