My Cancer MY CHOICE!! Back off College of Physicians & Surgeons!

The College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:

How DARE you take an alternative fight against MY cancer off the table when it wasn’t coming out of your pocket. Or perhaps that is WHY you did squeeze Dr Gagovski out of the use of light therapy to slow down cancer and GIVE the body a  chance without the harmful chemicals and surgery that just don’t give any quality of life? You think hanging onto life feeling like crap is living? “Oh but you are still alive aren’t you!” Not by much.Then people will pay any amount for trials won’t they?

Dear Lord...who the heck do you think you are to get in the way of a non invasive therapy for MY health, anti-inflammation and pain and wellness!

This is about money I know it is.. but in YOUR Pockets! What is it, $6000 for a chemo session ...and you told Dr G he is gouging the patient at $600?? Then you tell a doctor he needs to have an oncologist to ‘watch him’ put a light on my chest...oh but for $1500 and hour?? What doctor in Ontario makes $1500/hr I want to know THAT! Besides, you should be paying  to watch him! 

It appears that we certainly have a conflict of power and interest here. It seems that unless we give our bodies over to your doctors, basically as guinea pigs to their treatments, trials and labs (often at a crazy expense) our own hands are tied, as are those who are willing to try less invasive therapies with us.

This is soooo hard to believe!

I want to be able to do Advanced Light Therapy with the light from KAR engineering, at Dr. Vlade Gagovski’s Clinic. It’s my body and it’s my money!

My friend’s son who has a brain tumour ...has been told he only has 2 years at best and that there is nothing they can do for him ...nothing! Oh yes trial medications that make him feel like CRAP AND GARBAGE and they are TRIAL (is that living??).

They are devastated that they can’t do light therapy with DR G. They have to go to Costa Rica or Mexico for this level of advanced-light therapy
It works!!!! And it doesn’t tear up your gut and immune system!!!!

With so much cancer in this country...why on earth would you squeeze out some non invasive inexpensive therapy that one can do without needing an army to pay wages to. I get it.

Am I upset!? You are darned right I am!
This is my life....MY BODY...MY CANCER...if you can’t cure it gently, then let me try! 

Next you’ll be telling me I can only eat GMO food!


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