Help Heal the Political Divide

WE are passionate moderates, progressives, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and nonpartisans. We are proud Independents, Republicans, and Democrats. But first and foremost, WE are Americans.

WE reject partisanship and polarization. The enormous challenges we face can only be addressed through vigorous, honest, civil political debate.

WE will unite to found an online community that brings ordinary citizens together with leading thinkers to engage in civil, evidence-based policy discussion. Americans of all political, economic, ethnic, and geographic backgrounds will express their ideas and opinions about government and politics, learn about issues, and find areas of common ground through respectful dialogue.

WE will find real solutions to real problems rather than on sound bites, ego, and demonization of those who disagree with us. We will treat compromise not a sign of weakness, but as a prerequisite for progress in a democracy.

WE will convene at The American Square.
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