Help our pets/animals, lets change the law!

  • af: Ambato Boxers Rescue
  • mottagare: The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice, House of Commons
Ambato Boxers Rescue, contacted The Humane Society of Welland, ON, asking for their help. To rescue a boxer dog left outside in a pen in the Niagara Area, 24/7. They refused to do anything about this poor boxer dog outside in winter. When I contacted the SPCA, the told me there is nothing they can do for this boxer dog as well. They said in order to make a change the LAW has to change.  That is why I created this petition, to change the law. I am going to send this to: 
The Honourable Rob Nicholson
Minister of Justice
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

 Feel free to write to The Honourable Rob Nicholson to voice your concerns, its postage free.  He is the one that is in charge of passing the new bill. The more people he hears from the better. Please write to your MP, if you really want to help you can print this out and take it to your vet/pet store to get more signatures. Then send to Rob Nicholson. 
 I am supporting the CFHS (Canadian Federation of Humane Societies).
Animal lovers please help to change the law to protect our pets. The law says that a shelter outside is good enough for short hair dogs. But our Canadian winters are too cold for short hair dogs. The law must be updated. We are opposing the current bill S-213, which was originally enacted in 1892. We are in the 21st Century now, and need a new Bill. Bill C-373 will help against animal neglect/cruelty. Our Current Legislation wording of "wilful neglect" requires proof of a person's intent. The requirement that a person intended to neglect their animals makes it extremely difficult to lay charges. By signing this petition you are supporting a great cause, a New Bill C-373, for a new Century! 
 We have to protect our pets, they need to be warm in the winter,  an igloo house is not enough for a short hair dog. In order for the Humane Society, and SPCA to be effective the law needs to be changed. 

This is animal cruelty.  IF we all write to our MPs and politicians they have to listen. This new Bill C-373 will  put an end to animal cruelty of any kind, and stop puppy mils.
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