Will you help us to reach every child in Scotland who needs us?

When Christian was born the doctors told his parents to enjoy every day they had with him as he was expected to die before he reached his 1st birthday.

But Christian is a fighter and right now at the age of eight he and his family are making sure that the precious time they have together is filled with happiness and fun thanks to the support of Children's Hospices Across Scotland – better known as CHAS.

Every week 3 children in Scotland will die from a life-shortening condition and sadly right now CHAS is only reaching one of those families. CHAS is Scotland’s national children’s hospice service and we are determined to be there for every family who needs us.

We are dedicated to supporting every single member of these families as they face the toughest challenge of their lives. We are committed to making sure that no matter how short their time together may be, it is filled with happiness and fun.

We make sure children have the opportunity for experiences they cannot have elsewhere, to feel the wind and sunshine on their faces, to sparkle, to laugh, to smile and to have those memorable moments of joy – moments that families will treasure forever.

Pledge your support today to Christian and the thousands of other children in Scotland who are living with a life-shortening condition. We will ensure that no family has to struggle without the special care that only CHAS can provide.

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