Support Paid Family Leave

Paid family leave keeps our families healthier and our economy stronger -- yet the Republicans in power reject any and all efforts to ensure access to family leave for all.  Add your name to stand with Democrats who support paid leave for all hardworking Americans.

Before becoming Speaker, Paul Ryan made it clear that spending time with his family was non-negotiable. But while he acknowledged that family comes first, he has since said prioritizing paid family leave "doesn’t make any sense," and called it an "entitlement."

The United States is the only developed country with no guaranteed paid family leave policy -- and only 12 percent of private-sector workers have access to it through their employers.

President Obama has secured up to 7 paid sick days for all government contractors, but he can't make the change by himself -- we need Congress to act.

Family leave is something every American deserves. Add your name to join Democrats working to make it a reality.

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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