Support Real Democracy in Egypt

  • af:
  • mottagare: Egyptian Military Leaders
The protests in Egypt that led to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak were historic -- not just for Egyptians, but for all of the Middle East and the world. The 18 days of peaceful protest proved that oppression and dictatorship can be undone without resorting to violence.

But in truth, the hardest trials for Egypt are just beginning. Mubarak may be gone, but as long as the military is in control, Egypt is not yet a democracy. It will take hard work, patience and responsible leadership by the military to help the country peacefully transition to democratic rule.

This is a critical tipping point. The military has a responsibility to fulfill the hopes and demands of the people. Tell Egyptian military leaders you support democratic reforms in Egypt.
Dear [Decision Maker],

The peaceful revolution in Egypt was historic and inspiring. The ouster of Hosni Mubarak as president has opened up an for democratic reforms in Egypt.

But the country is at a tipping point. It will take hard work, patience and responsible leadership to help Egypt transition to a democracy. Please do everything you can to ensure the will of the Egyptian people is carried out and that the people get to exercise their political rights in free and fair elections.

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