It's Time for Clear, Fair Rules for Home Sharing in New York

Airbnb wants to work with lawmakers to help enact clear, fair home sharing rules in New York City. The Airbnb community brings incredible benefits to New Yorkers in all five boroughs.

Airbnb provides supplemental income for tens of thousands of New Yorkers.
The vast majority of New York hosts share their own home on an occasional basis. Many use the extra income to pay the bills, go back to school or even start new businesses.

Airbnb boosts neighborhood economies.
When a traveler books an Airbnb home, over 57% of their spending stays in that neighborhood. In 2014, the Airbnb community will generate an estimated $768 million in economic activity in NYC & support 6,600 jobs.

The Airbnb community wants to pay their fair share of taxes.
Under current state law, Airbnb can’t collect and remit occupancy related taxes on behalf of hosts and guests. The community wants to pay their fair share, and Airbnb wants to help. If the current tax law was changed, Airbnb could contribute at least $21 million a year to NYC alone.

Common sense home sharing rules are already benefiting cities across the world.
Cities like San Francisco, Portland, and Amsterdam have new, clear home sharing laws that benefit local hosts, communities, and economies.

Airbnb strongly opposes illegal hotels, but current law punishes New Yorkers who want to occasionally share their space. Some sensible amendments are in order.

Add your name to call for clear rules for home sharing in New York.
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