End Dangerous Roadblocking that Punishes Ambulances and Workers Trying toMake a Living and Feed Their Famillies by issusing a year im prison. This is as dangerous as drunk driving or worse-harming many at once.

  • af: Erik E
  • mottagare: Governor Rick Scott

Courriers carrying time sensitive organs for transplants, women in labor, car accident victims bleeding to death, domestic violence victims waiting for someone to arrive and help them, are all in harms way when media hungry protesters block the roads spitefully for their political agenda. Freedom to assemble NEVER equals freedom to kidnap (holding one against their will from continuing on their way, by blocking thier way out and trapping them in a car pileup). This is child endangerment for every child in those vehicles-a crime. This is child endangerment for every delayed labor when a women is going into labor. This is obstruction of justice when a police officer can't get to a domestic violence call or call to save someone from danger. This is homicide when you intentionally kill a person by blocking lifesaving help from a hospital by blocking the ambulance. This is criminal and an insult to real decent protests. These protestors do not care one bit for the rest of America, just their political agenda and getting attention,their faces on camera. They need to be punished with at least a year in jail for every count of endangerment to a child who is now in danger of being smashed in a pile up.They need to be punished with a life sentence for every death they caused directly or indirectly by their decision to harm the public for their selfish media attention. Many of these 'protestors' have been found to have out of state plates thus paid protestors by a political entity= they are criminal thugs not decent law abibiding assemblers speaking out. Also, If they are injured or killed in the  act of standing in front of vehicles coming at high speeds, and unaware of this trap, until the last minute, the drivers of vehicles should be immune to any legal liability or insurance liability. The costs of care should come from these criminals posing as protestors. This behavior is un-American, wantonly disregarding all people but themselves. They cost someone a job if he misses the interview. They can ruin someones ability to feed his/her family. This rampant wanton assault on our own people, for media gain must stop or the citizens will soon take matters in their own hands (which is fair when trapped and not sure what criminals are planning). Please pass legislation outlawing this child endangerment, adult endangerment, kidnapping, and intruding with our rights to make a living by going to work. This is a right to work state. We have a right to not be trapped in a deadly car pile up, paralized, killed, etc for someones TV coverage. This is a dangerous precedent being set by these thugs. If they go unpunished, this will happen with others in the country, when they want TV coverage. Crimes have been committed. Why would this group be immune to following Florida and U.S law?

Honorable Governor:

Courriers carrying time sensitive organs for transplants, women in labor, accident victims bleeding to death, domestic violence victims waiting for police to arrive and help them, are all in harms way when media hungry or paid protesters block our roads spitefully for their political agenda. They bring cars to a screeching dangerous halt. Freedom to assemble is NOT EVER, freedom to maim, kill, kidnap(blocking and trapping people from leaving, holding them against their will, and trapping them in a car pileup, ) and endangering the public. These media hungry criminals (often found to have out of state plates) paid by a political entity, are wantonly disregarding the rights of our citizens to travel, get medical help, have a safe delivery, receive organs for transplant, get to work to feed their families, get to school, and more. These thugs are domestic terrorists. They are setting a dangerous precedent if unpunished. Will we have  new emmigrants or religious fanatics from other countries block us now, endanger us, cause pileups, stop ambulances, stop women in labor from getting to hospitals, ruin jobs, halt school attendence, and NOT be prosecuted? Kidnapping is a crime. Child endangerment is a crime. Creating a car pileup is a crime. Obstucting justice is a crime. Stopping police, rescue, firetrucks, is premeditated killing of someone by stopping them from getting aid. Please set punishement at least one year for each count and full prosecution as in any homicide, manslaughter case.  All fatalities, stillbirths, injuries, mental damage resulting from this , are INTENTIONAL and premeditated. These are NOT decent assemblers or protestors. They are arrogant, narcissistic criminals who have NO care for anyone but themselves. They show their hate for our country and citizens by trying to do mass harm this way. Next other America hating groups will follow. We citizens demand they be stopped, and prosecuted. Please write legislation to do so, (although these crimes are already illegal) and to leave the ones blocked, who may injure these criminals when travelling at high speeds suddenly having to slam on brakes, from any liability to people intentionally putting themselves in the path of a group of high speed moving vehicles. These people are the definition of DOMESTIC TERRORISTs , who later will likely link up with non domestice terrorists. Please assure the citizens of Florida, that you will not tolerate their assaults on us, and you will not give them special favors by letting them walk on these charges, giving any immunity from laws we have to abide by.

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