Tell Gov. Snyder: $0 for Cancer Prevention is Unacceptable

The Health and Wellness Fund has been a primary source of cancer prevention funding for Michigan. In the late 1990s, the fund included over $6 million per year for cancer prevention programs. This year, the Michigan Legislature eliminated all state funds for the Cancer Prevention Program, gutting an important program that saved lives and money for our state. We can't eliminate cancer by eliminating funding for prevention.

Tell Governor Snyder that $0 for cancer prevention is unacceptable—we need to restore funding to the Michigan Cancer Prevention Program.
Dear Governor Snyder,

I am part of the 86 percent of Michigan voters who support restoring funds to the Cancer Prevention Program so that eligible women have access to lifesaving screenings for breast and cervical cancer.

The state’s Health and Wellness fund used to include over $6 million per year for cancer prevention programs. This year, the Michigan Legislature did the unthinkable and completely eliminated all state funds for the Cancer Prevention Program.

We need to restore funding to this program - it's investment that will save lives and save money by detecting cancers at early stages when survival rates are much higher and treatment costs are lower.

This is an important issue for Michigan. We can’t eliminate cancer by eliminating funding for cancer prevention - restore funding to this vital program now.
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