We can win elections. Join us.

The Trump tax cuts put billions of dollars in the hands of corporations and the wealthy. All nearly all Americans are harmed by this bad policy, young people are going to bear the brunt of all the negative impacts. Young people will have to live without the social safety net Republicans have defunded, and they'll have to pay the bills for this massive corporate giveaway.

Yet, we're not the ones politicians think about when they pass laws.

There is power in numbers. 70 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 35 are eligible to vote this year — that's more than any other age group in this country. But since young people vote at half the rate of older Americans, politicians ignore our needs.

If we show up to vote, the Republicans moving our country backwards will have to listen to us. NextGen America is building a movement of young voters across the country — and we need your help to to make sure progressives flip Congress, win Governor's races, and take back state legislatures.

Add your name to support a progressive way in 2018 and commit to vote for progressive change in November.
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