Join Activists in East Africa Calling for a Ban on Cruel Chicken Battery Cages!

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Ugandan Minister for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Hon. Vincent Bamulangaki Sempijja & Kenyan Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative Hon. Peter Gatirau Munya
Animal rights advocates in East Africa are demanding a ban on the battery cages in poultry farming, and for good reason.

It is no secret that chickens trapped in battery cages live horrible lives. In many cages, the animals can hardly turn around, let alone comfortably lie down. A lack of space to move about and exhibit natural behaviors like scratching leads to psychological trauma and painful physical conditions like osteoporosis -- brittle bones that break and smash easily. 

Chicks often end up having their beaks trimmed before going into these torture chambers, because if they don't, they'll resort to pecking out their own feathers or cannibalizing one another. What kind of a life is this for a living, breathing animal?

Sign now to demand a ban on the cage system in poultry farming in Kenya and Uganda!

With a growing number of people eating poultry around the world, the demand for chicken has grown. And, to make matters worse, European nations where these cruel contraptions are banned are "dumping" their secondhand battery cages across East Africa, according to some advocates. Some are calling it "a transfer of animal cruelty to Africa," where many farmers who need to make a living don't have options other than to use cheaper equipment that is less geared towards animal welfare.

It is time for the governments of Uganda and Kenya to step up, support their nations' farmers and entrepreneurs, and protect animal welfare.

Kenya and Uganda should ban battery cages altogether and support farmers' education and use of more humane equipment to immediately reduce the suffering of hundreds of thousands of chickens. It is time both countries listen to the voices of local activists and stand up for animal rights! Sign now if you agree!
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