Stop importation of dogs and puppies into the Isle of man by third parties.

  • af: Ms Taylor
  • mottagare: Members of the House of Keys

I am very concerned about puppies and dogs being brought into the Isle Of Man from EU,Uk and Ireland. Though these are rescue dogs, the reason and means they are brought in is dubious. There are many dogs already available for adoption on the Isle of Man. The MSPCA take care to match dogs with families. The people bringing these in use local advertising sites to beg people to bring in a dog in their cars (as they have no room to bring them in?). If this was such a professional legitimate service surely all the dogs would be able to be brought in in one vehicle. With each dog micro-chipped with it's own passport. I would like ask everyone to contact their MHK to petition tighter controls on the import of dogs. The very least micro-chip and passport checking every dog in and out of the island. This will also protect island pet owners from theft of their dogs.

You can also write to your local MHK .

Government Office
Bucks Road


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