Tell NC: Rejecting Federal Grants to Study Fracking is a Bad Move!

In an unthinkable move, the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) have turned down two federal grants (that North Carolina applied for earlier this year!) totaling over $500,000. One grant was to study NC's streams and wetlands and the other would've helped the agency monitor water quality in areas where fracking is likely to take place.

This irresponsible decision is wrong for North Carolina and will mean these federal dollars go to support clean water programs in another state rather than ours.

Sign our petition and tell Governor McCrory and DENR Secretary John Skvarla that rejecting these grants was a bad move for North Carolina.
Dear Governor McCrory and Secretary Skvarla,

I was disappointed to learn that DENR rejected two federal grants which would've enabled agency scientists to continue studies of North Carolina's streams and wetlands, as well as help to launch water quality monitoring in areas where fracking is likely to take place. North Carolina should not be turning away federal grants that will otherwise be spent in other states. Rejecting this money was a step backwards for our state.

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