They buried Bart, the Zombie or Miracle Cat (which I prefer) alive on purpose, punish those monsters

  • af: Marion Friedl
  • mottagare: The Police Chief of Tampa/ The Humane Society of Tampy Bay

First some articles said Bart the Miracle Cat´s been pronounced dead by a vet, but that was a lie, his former owner and the female neighbour "prepared" the defenseless tomcat by beating him with a baseball cull or so and by pouring salt into his left eye to reach the "zombie look", here in this video on Youtube you can see how they kept poor Bart in a cage, the tomcat tried to escape, but had no chance: (you may have to fill the copied link into the Google search line)
Here´s the latest article from Huffington post:
We want justice for poor Bart who hardly survived and has a long way to go till he´ll recover, his left eye had to be removed in a surgery last weekend, and his jaw had to be fixed, too, but the tomcat also needed a blood transfusion, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay found a donator in Draco, an adoptable cat!!! Find and prosecute Bart´s former owner and the horrible female neighbour who abused Bart so badly and then even buried him alive on purpose.

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