Enact Health Care Reform Based on These 7 Guiding Principles

The challenges in our health care system are many and complex. But just as every successful journey begins with a map, it's critical that lawmakers keep the long-range vision and goals in mind as health care reform moves forward in both the House and the Senate.

The American Medical Association has published seven principles that are critical for health care reform. If enacted, the principles will create the foundation for a stronger, better performing health care system, improve access to affordable, high-quality care and reduce unnecessary costs.

In following these principles, Congress would also repeal the Medicare physician payment formula... a formula that will trigger steep cuts and threaten access to care for senior citizens!

Urge your representative in Congress to follow the AMA's seven principles as they craft a strong health reform bill by year's end.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I urge you to adopt the American Medical Association's seven guiding principles to achieve meaningful health system reform this year.

These principles are:

1. Repeal of the Medicare physician payment formula that would trigger steep cuts and threaten seniors' access to care.

2. Provide health insurance coverage for all Americans.

3. Enact insurance market reforms that expand the choice of affordable coverage and eliminate denials for pre-existing conditions or due to arbitrary caps.

4. Assure that health care decisions are made by patients and their physicians, not by insurance companies or government bureaucrats. This sacred bond should include the right of patients to privately contract with physicians, so that their health care choices are respected.

5. Provide investments and incentives for initiatives that improve quality and enhance prevention and wellness.

6. Implement medical liability reforms to reduce the cost of defensive medicine.

7. Streamline and standardize insurance claims processing requirements to eliminate unnecessary costs and administrative burdens.

[Your comments will be inserted here]

The challenges in our health care system are many and complex. Implementing the policies above will create the foundation for a stronger, better performing health care system, improve access to affordable, high-quality care and reduce unnecessary costs. Further, those who are currently insured, including Medicare patients, and those who are uninsured will all benefit from greater security and stability.

Please follow AMA's seven principles as you craft a strong health care bill by year's end.
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