Demand Change! Protect American Values!

President Bush and the Republican Congress are moving forward on their extreme, right wing agenda. Women's rights, our health, our children's future and our own retirement are all at risk. It's time to fight back! Politically active women are the force that can change the direction of our country. The Women's Vote Center is building the momentum we need to reach, engage, and turn out women voters in 2004.

Join with the Women's Vote Center and stand up for our rights! We'll fight together for:
  • Our right to choose;
  • Protecting Social Security and Medicare from Republican attempts to privatize them;
  • Access to health care for every American;
  • Ensuring a good education in a strong public school system;
  • Equal pay for equal work.-- in our checkbooks -- not just the lawbooks;
  • Protecting our precious resources and the environment;
  • Promoting judges who will uphold women’s rights and civil rights;
  • Respecting civil and human rights at home and around the world;
  • Returning to a healthy economy without passing on trillions in debt to our children and grandchildren.
  • Sign the petition below and stay involved!

    You can help the Women's Vote Center take on the Bush administration every single day. We can do it ! Women across America can make the difference.. We are the majority --if we all speak out. Join the Women's Vote Center today! You can start by signing the petition now!

    To: President Bush

    We the undersigned demand that the Bush Administration stop its assault on the rights of women. From nominating ultra right-wing judges to the federal bench to weakening standards for our air and water, you have promoted an agenda that is harmful to women and our families for generations to come.

    We care about:

  • Our right to choose;
  • Protecting Social Security and Medicare from Republican attempts to privatize them;
  • Access to health care for every American;
  • Ensuring a good education in a strong public school system;
  • Equal pay for equal work.-- in our checkbooks -- not just the lawbooks;
  • Protecting our precious resources and the environment;
  • Promoting judges who will uphold women's rights and civil rights;
  • Respecting civil and human rights at home and around the world;
  • Returning to a healthy economy without passing on trillions in debt to our children and grandchildren.

  • Women all across the country will unite to defeat your re-election in 2004 if you don't change your agenda now!

    The undersigned
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