Defend the Washington State Basic Health Plan!

We, the undersigned, demand that Governor Gregoire and Washington State Legislature repeal the cuts to the Basic Health budget and also rescind the rate hikes and deductible increases that are slated to go into effect on January 1, 2010. These rate hikes and deductible increases will have a devastating effect on the 100,000 working poor Washingtonians currently enrolled in the plan.
The budget deficit should not be balanced on the backs of low-income workers. Instead the Governor and Legislature should increase the Basic Health budget to encompass the 800,000 people who are without medicalinsurance. Budget shortfalls can be addressed by taxing profits from large corporations and the income of the wealthiest 10% of the state.
We, the undersigned, demand that Governor Gregoire and Washington State Legislature repeal the cuts to the Basic Health budget and also rescind the rate hikes and deductible increases that are slated to go into effect on January 1, 2010. These rate hikes and deductible increases will have a devastating effect on the 100,000 working poor Washingtonians currently enrolled in the plan.
The budget deficit should not be balanced on the backs of low-income workers. Instead the Governor and Legislature should increase the Basic Health budget to encompass the 800,000 people who are without medicalinsurance. Budget shortfalls can be addressed by taxing profits from large corporations and the income of the wealthiest 10% of the state.
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