Give The PSUs FootBall Program A 42-Year and Complete Death Penalty

I am a lifelong The NCAAs FootBall Division: FBS FootBall Fan; but, one does not even need to be a FootBall fan to sign here and demand that PSU receive a complete and appropriate death penalty, to abusing children and covering it up for profits and fame.
Reclaim all trophies, bowl games wins and championships from PSUs FootBall program, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present.
Fine The PSUs FootBall program an amount that is equivalent to money won from participation in bowl games wins and championships, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present/42-years.
Remove all Joe Paterno’s, Jerry Sandusky’s  and The PSU’s FootBall program’s victories and stats, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present/42-years.
Ban PSU FootBall program from participating in any bowl games and championships, for 42-Years.
Limit PSU’s Coaching Staff to only on campus recruiting, for 42-years.
Ban all PSU employees and people connected, in any way, to PSU, Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky…
…that are found guilty by a police and NCAA investigation of either had sex with children or knew about and/or witnessed Jerry Sandusky and/or any other PSU employees and people connected, in any way, to PSU having sex with children…
…from any participation within The NCAA, for life.
With the guarantee that if any PSU FootBall program employee sexually abuses another child, then PSU will be kicked out of The NCAA’s FootBall Division: The FBS.

The NCAA must help PSU re-establish its creditability as a higher educational institution, let alone a FootBall program. The NCAA must make know to all current Higher Educational Institutions that not just for the near future/before the scandal becomes forgotten having inappropriate relations with underage children and knowing about inappropriate relations with underage children and yet, only keeping it in house is no longer acceptable (will forever be unacceptable) and minimumally, cost those who do it or only know about it and not reporting it to the police their jobs and police investigations

One does not even need to be a FootBall fan to sign here and demand that PSU receive a complete and appropriate death penalty, to abusing children and covering it up for profits and fame.
Reclaim all trophies, bowl games wins and championships from PSUs FootBall program, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present.
Fine The PSUs FootBall program an amount that is equivalent to money won from participation in bowl games wins and championships, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present/42-years.
Remove all Joe Paterno’s, Jerry Sandusky’s and The PSU’s FootBall program’s victories and stats, from the first-year the Jerry Sandusky was a PSU FootBall coach/1969 to present/42-years.
Ban PSU FootBall program from participating in any bowl games and championships, for 42-Years.
Limit PSU’s Coaching Staff to only on campus recruiting, for 42-years.
Ban all PSU employees and people connected, in any way, to PSU, Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky…
…that are found guilty by a police and NCAA investigation of either had sex with children or knew about and/or witnessed Jerry Sandusky and/or any other PSU employees and people connected, in any way, to PSU having sex with children…
…from any participation within The NCAA, for life.
With the guarantee that if any PSU FootBall program employee sexually abuses another child, then PSU will be kicked out of The NCAA’s FootBall Division: The FBS.

The NCAA must help PSU re-establish its creditability as a higher educational institution, let alone a FootBall program. The NCAA must make know to all current Higher Educational Institutions that not just for the near future/before the scandal becomes forgotten having inappropriate relations with underage children and knowing about inappropriate relations with underage children and yet, only keeping it in house is no longer acceptable (will forever be unacceptable) and minimumally, cost those who do it or only know about it and not reporting it to the police their jobs and police investigations

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