Media: Report on Sri Lanka's Cyclone Laila

  • von: Sri Lanka Love
  • empfänger: Those who care about fair and accurate global coverage by media
The international and national American media is not reporting on Cyclone Laila, which struck the nations of Sri Lanka and India this past week. Yet, it's imperative that they do, because one, it's their job to report on world affairs and humanitarian tragedies and also so that the word gets out so the world can know to help the hundreds of thousands of people who have been impacted and displaced. The UN has arrived on the scene, but more needs to be done. Without proper media coverage, it's harder to call attention to the needs and suffering of the people of Sri Lanka.

More information on Cyclone Laila:

Since Friday, May 14th, heavy monsoon rains have resulted in flash floods, high-winds, landslides, lightning and thunder storms in 13 districts in Sri Lanka Strong winds, accompanied by incessant lightning and thunder, lashed most parts of the island even as blinding rain triggered landslides and flooded important highways. CYCLONE LAILA winds have a speed of up to 155 km in an hour. As of Wednesday May 19th, over 458,783 persons (104,213 families) have been affected and displaced from their homes due to the heavy rains. This includes minor displacement of 9,579 people and 18 deaths. Please sign this petition so we can put pressure on the American and global mainstream media. This is a grave omission on their part.
We the undersigned are very concerned about the impact Cyclone Laila had on the nations of Sri Lanka and India. We were dissapointed that the NY Times, LA Times and other major news outlets chose not to report on this timely, important and devastating cyclone. More than 450,000 people were displaced as a result, and people in the United States, many of whom are from Sri Lanka deserve to know the truth about what is going on in other parts of the world. We hope that you can have chose to have some coverage and reporting of this natural disaster so that the international community can know to respond. Please don't cherry pick what you report on and what you don't report on, please be fair and accurate. It is not necessary to have an extreme amount of coverage, but a mention would have been nice. Oftentimes it is the media that is the first-responder in crises such as these, and without this information, all is lost, in terms of the world being able to respond and offer charity, solidarity and assistance. The people of Sri Lanka deserve to be heard and seen, their struggle deserves the light of the international and American media.  In light of global climate change the NY Times has a responsibility to report on Cyclone's such as Laila. Please understand the reponsibility that you have in our world, and do not take this responsibility lightly. Please don't hesitate to wait another day and report on Cyclone Laila and it's aftermath, so that we can know the truth about our world.

Thank you very much in advance.
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