• von: Leslie
  • empfänger: Congress
Do you want to keep your 2nd ammendmendment rights to own your arms?

Obama is urging Congress to ratify the CIFTA treaty that gives international courts your gun registration information and gives it the right to extradite you and to try you criminally and to sentence you in a court of justice under international law and there will be no constitutional anything to fall back on. You will probably have foreign troops coming to your homes to disarm you and your family and possibly kill you. (they've been practicing combat training here already).Also this would stop the manufacturing of firearms.  Please sign this petition and write your Congressman and tell them to vote NO! This all tied in with the United Nations and I have two other petitions UN out of the USA,USA out of the UN and Repeal the Patriot Act                            
  "There are no bad guns.There are no good guns. A gun in the hands of a bad man is a bad thing. Any gun in the hands of a good man is no threat to anyone except to bad people."  Charleston Heston
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