• von: Dennis Fox
  • empfänger: U.S.Security Exchange Commission and Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

Hello and thanks to all that signed this petition. The petition has reached its peak of 311 signatures which is the most signatures a petition on this topic ever reached on and in 1/5th the time as previous petition by Investors4Justice yet far short of 25000 signature goal needed to persue final petition draft for submission to White House.

However, since discovering the dangers of naked shorting a few months ago I have come across information from 2 world renowned and respected economists I feel an obligation to share. This economic information is even more vital than the info below regarding naked shorting. Interviews and articles on this Paul Craig Roberts - Official Site and recent you tube video Jim Rickards: Coming Economic Depression are worth looking into if you would like to see the views of a Former Assistant Secretary of Treasury and Reganomics advisor with a PhD in economics as well as Author of The New York Times bestseller Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, published in 2011, and The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System, published in 2014 and Economic Warfare Advisor to CIA and Pentagon vs what Wall Street crooks, Federal Reserve minions and corrupt politicians whom brought us Internet and housing bubbles and crashes that followed, would have us all believe.

Good luck to all and thanks for your support ! 

Our newly formed group has formed this petition as a preliminary petition to what will be the next final petition to be sent to the White House. Because many people have never heard of naked shorting, this petition is more geared to provide info about the dangerous effects naked shorting has on U.S. Economy as well as other worthy causes you are involved with and to see if we can generate the 25000 needed signatures for next petition to white house. Your signatures for this petition will be sent to SEC and DTCC to let them know we mean business and aim to stop this corrupt unfair Wall Street counterfeiting scheme.

For those who do not have time to read full details of how Naked Shorting is a danger to us all, below is a brief 4 point outline of why it is important that Naked Shorting needs to be stopped. I realize many Care2 people find endangerd species and animal protection petitions etc. more time worthy and I fully support many of those petitions as well. This petition though is important and affects all other worthy causes as when there is a financial meltdown such as in 2008 which was magnified by naked shorting which caused massive loss of jobs and loss of homes due to foreclosures which in turn takes away from how much time and donations can be put towards all worthy causes everywhere.

1) Naked Shorting is the equivilent to counterfeiting U.S. Currency only shares of stock are being counterfeited instead diluting number of shares which lowers value and puts financial pressure on targeted companies and in some cases delays development of promising drugs that could help millions suffering from diseases.

2) Naked Shorting is a danger not only to companies and investors but the Economy and National Security as it was used as a tool by terrorists in 9/11 plan to derail U.S. Economy as well as by terrorist and Wall Street Funds alike which contributed to the 2008 Financial meltdown.

3) Such terrorist finanical attacks such as 9/11 and resulting property damage and war to follow added over $3 trillion of debt. Fraudulant actions by Wall Street funds that use Naked Shorting magnified the 2008 crisis adding over $7 trillion to our National Debt which is quickly approach $18 trillion. At end of calendar year 2000, the debt stood at $5.629 trillion. Eight years later, the federal debt stood at $9.986 trillion the majority of which was from costs of 9/11. From 2009 during President Obama's first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined. Started at $9.986 trillion when President Obama took office and is now at over $17.9 trillion and growing at over $2.45 billion per day with $1.2 billon of that in interest alone.

4) These figures clearly show how financial terrorist attacks of 9/11 along with Wall Street irresponsible greed and fraud that led to the 2008 financial crisis combine to become a recipe for financial disaster and insurmountable debt. Both involved naked shorting as a tool that contributed to the derailing of U.S. economy and has put American's in a dangerous dire debt position making U.S. economy and National Security vulnerable should more attacks occur.

Stop Naked Shorting believes that there is overwhelming evidence that naked shorting poses not only unfair financial stress on publicly traded companies and in some instances delays important drug development from reaching the market (DNDN story below ) but it also is a threat to National Security, U.S. Economy as well as overall financial markets per SEC own admission of how naked shorting contributed to the 2008 economic meltdown.

 "In 2008, SEC chairman Christopher Cox said that the SEC "has zero tolerance for abusive naked short-selling" while implementing new regulations to prohibit the practice, culminating in the September 2008 action following the failures of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers amidst speculation that naked short selling had played a contributory role."

There is substantial evidence that institutions not only naked short non existing shares but fail to deliver these shares that do not actually exist and an exemption was issued to Bernie Madoff before SEC finally shut his ponzi scheme down, nicknamed the Madoff Exemption.

( See

This article reveals this exemption not only allowed him and other market makers to naked short stocks on a down tick but allowed them to rent out this exemption to other market makers. This article also shows naked shorting occurred from brokerages in London and Dubai by those renting this exemption.

There are also many coordinated short & distort bear raid attacks on companies that they naked short in an effort to manipulate price of targeted companies downward as DNDN story above shows. The organization C.R.E.W. alleges Adam Feuerstein of the was involved in aiding such institutions with short and distort tactics, offering up negative stories slanted articles in order to drive stock prices lower.

CREW Requests SEC Investigate Manipulation of Drug Company ...

"Washington, D.C. — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) today requested the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigate possible illegal manipulation of stock prices in Northwest Biotherapeutics, a biotechnology company developing cancer treatment drugs."

Naked shorting also played a part in 9/11 attempt to derail U.S Economy. The 9/11 attack estimated cost to our U.S. Economy according to some estimates was approximately $3.3 trillion.

"Al Qaeda spent roughly half a million dollars to destroy the World Trade Center and cripple the Pentagon. What has been the cost to the United States? In a survey of estimates by The New York Times, the answer is $3.3 trillion, or about $7 million for every dollar Al Qaeda spent planning and executing the attacks."

That figure pales in comparison to the still growing cost of the 2008 financial meltdown estimated cost of $12.8 trillion which was more than the National debt when President Obama took office $9.986 trillion in January 2009. The National debt is fast approaching $18 trillion at $17.946 trillion and growing at an alarming rate of approximately $2.45 billion per day with interest on this debt per day at approximately $1.2b.

"During President Obama's first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined."... For President Obama, the debt started at $9.986 trillion in January 2009 and increased to $13.7 trillion, a 38 percent increase over two years, by January 2011. By May 2011 it stood at $14.3 Trillion - $600 Billion in 4 months."

 "Cost estimate is derived from two numbers. First, it includes estimates of losses to GDP for the period 2008 to 2018, based on estimates of the difference between actual GDP and projected values for the period had there been no financial or economic crisis. From 2008 to 2011, the difference between actual and potential GDP was $3.6 trillion. By 2018, the difference was forecast to widen to $7.6 trillion." 

If facts and figures above are not worrisome enough a recent article reveals planned attacks on U.S. economy could be activated at any time. With the trojan horse mentioned in article believed to have been planted by Russian hackers and current tension between U.S. and Russia the U.S. economy could suffer another 9/11 type attack which was estimated to have cost our economy up to $3.3 trillion.

'Trojan Horse' Bug Lurking in Vital US Computers Since 2011

Should this petition and white house petition to follow fail to bring an end to naked shorting our group ( domian secured, website to be up by Jan 2015 or sooner depending on how many signatures are gathered) comprised of concerned citizens, investors, supporters, propose a joint lawsuit be filed by as many publicly traded companies and shareholders as possible, against all institutions / parties involved in naked shorting U.S. stocks as well as against the SEC / NTCC for failing to put a stop to this unfair manipulative practice, despite the SEC knowing the threat it presents to National Security, U.S. companies & shareholders and overall financial markets as their actions to 2008 financial crisis clearly demonstrated. 

We acknowledge that the housing bubble, subprime predatory loans and risky investment instruments such as derivitives and junk grade CDO's that were fraudulently stamped with AAA ratings were the main causes for 2008 crash. That said it was politians who paved the way by approving subprime loans that opened pandoras box. The blatant greed and fraud by wall street brokerages and banks that followed wiping out 401k's of millions of Americans and causing massive loss of jobs, forcing many into foreclosure was then handled by these same politians bailing out those comitting the fraud with $700b dollars. The evidence shows naked short selling and failure to deliver those non existent shares was a detrimental contributing factor that magnified the 2008 collapse and is still a threat to our markets and national security today. 

For sake of clarity, naked shorting has same effect as counterfeiting 100's of billions of dollar bills which devalues the value of the real currency. Just as U.S. Government printing $700 billion to bailout the Wall Street crooks who gambled away the investments of millions of Americans devalues the dollar and increases national debt. In some instances the number of shares naked shorted has equaled more than actual shares outstanding causing a severe decline in share price.

The SEC was negligent in their prior actions of making changes to the uptick rule via their " Madoff Exemption" and their dereliction of duty continues by not putting an end to naked shorting which could be done by SEC and NTCC implementing and enforcing additional more stringent regulations and programs installed to prevent such trades from being executed. ( See previous petiton by Investors4Justice below ) is also preparing a petition to be submitted to to follow this petition which will require 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to qualify for a response to be made by the White house.

Should this 2nd petition fail to bring an end to naked shorting then we propose a State by State Initiative against naked shorting be placed on ballots starting with New York to let American voters decide if naked shorting should be banned once and for all.

We urge all supporters of these petitions to join us and to subscribe to our email update list @ so we can alert all supporters when the petiton to white house will be filed in order to reach the 25000 signature goal. Please link this petition to your facebook page ( click Fb logo ) and any other social media forum you belong to and help us reach our 25000 signature goal.

Thanks for your Support

Update #5vor 9 Jahren
Hello to all my care2 friends and thanks to all for the support and signatures. Due to lack of reaching 25000 signatures, I decided to wait and see if economic events warned about by Economists and Jim Rickards: Coming Economic Depression youtube video will take care of the naked shorting issue on its own in 2015. I wish you all peace love and happiness and look forward to helping with other important petitions !
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
Thanks for Signing

Please help spread the word by clicking on social media logos back at the petition page and clicking email logo which makes it quick & easy to auto send to people you know.
To become my Care2 friend find Dennis Fox CA on your Green Star page and add as friend. I am only allowed to add 25 new friends per day for some reason or I would have invited many of you already. If you have yet to send me a green star I am 1st signature on petition.
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
Thanks to all 87 signers of this important petition. Please send the link to all your Care2 friends so they can join us in this effort
If 87 of us can get just 5 others and those 87 x 5 = 435 get 5 = 2175 and so on we can reach our signature goal of 25000 in 30 days. Feel free to add me as a friend and send other petitions you have signed as well so we can help those petition reach their goals too. Thanks !
Update #2vor 9 Jahren

Our Stop Naked Shorting petition has 62 signatures in 11 days so far vs Toys "R" Us petition averaging 62 signatures in less than 20 minutes ..38050 and counting.

Our petition needs just 500 signatures for Care2 site to give our petition viral exposure as Toys-R-Us petition is obviously getting. Please encourage others to help us reach 500 signatures,

Thanks for Your Support

Have a Great Thanksgiving Holiday
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Please help spread the word on our petition with just a few clicks of your mouse. You can email those in your email contacts with just a few clicks and choose which ones to email petition to. Click the email logo then accept on pop up and your contacts will appear. You can add our FB page for them to join as well. We need 25000 on next petition to get a response from Pres. Obama so we need to push hard. Thanks
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