We want the Beatles on spotify!

We want The Beatles on spotify, how ridiculous isn't it that the biggest band of all is not on a service like spotify? Pure garbage I'd say! We want Apple Records to stop with this silly thing declining the offer to be on spotify. Why won't they let the people enjoy the things they like? Is it about money, would they loose money by doing so? Probably not, actually I think the difference, more people would discover what The Beatles really are about, of course the most people know of The Beatles, but this would let the ones who have no clue about what it's about to actually understand the awesome music they've made. I can only come up with advantages about The Beatles going to be accessible for everyone. I think that Apple Records should stop being so stubborn about this, was the same thing about iTunes, it took them years to decide to sell their music to iTunes.
However it's also important to respect their right to disassosiate themselfs from this program aswell. They might also have realised that by doing this it makes them more unique than all of the other artists who are on spotify and would therefore encourage more people to just go out and buy their music. But the best way to find out about music in my opinion is the internet. And Spotify could really help them with this, if I hear something on the internet I'd go out and buy it to support the ones doing the music I like, if I don't like it I wouldn't buy it, nothing gained nothing lost.
Hi, we have all signed this petition to get The Beatles music on spotify. We all love your music and we can't understand why you aren't allowing Spotify to add it to their program. We think adding your music to Spotify could help you with the selling of your records, if the music is available to everyone, more people will start listening to it. And if they like it, they'll buy it, and if they don't like it they won't buy it. Nothing gained nothing lost.
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