The Circus Starring Britney Spears (DVD)

  • von: Steven Binko
  • empfänger: Britney Spears, Larry Rudolph & Jive
We the fans of Britney Spears demand a "Circus DVD".

For 10 years, fans have supported Britney Spears and her management. Without fans, the Circus tour would not have even been possible. TCSBS is one of the most successful tours of this decade and of Britney's career. We are petitioning to demand that Britney and her management recognize the interest of Britney fans globally and honor our request by releasing a DVD of "The Circus Starring Britney Spears" tour.
We the undersigned (fans of Britney Spears) demand a "Circus DVD".

For 10 years, fans have supported Britney Spears and her management. Without fans, the Circus tour would not have even been possible. TCSBS is one of the most successful tours of this decade and of Britney's career. We are petitioning to demand that Britney and her management recognize the interest of Britney fans globally and honor our request by releasing a DVD of "The Circus Starring Britney Spears" tour.

Thank you in advance.
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