Demand Ford to stop putting faulty cars on the road

    Its no secret that Ford has been putting faulty vehicles on the road since 2011 and states that it is been taken care of as late as 2015. However, our 2016 Ford Focus is having the same issues that have been reported over the past 4 or 5 years. We purchased our vehicle in 2016 and in 2017 had to have the clutch replaced, a year later it required another visit to the Ford dealership for another clutch to be replaced, less than two weeks later it is back in the shop only to be told it was the transmission. Today we have been informed that NOTHING was wrong with the vehicle and that it is ready to be picked up. Over the course of the past month- there has been a huge lack of communication, they have lost our vehicle, lost the keys, not sure when the vehicle would be ready and such a huge influx of answers as to what is really going on with our vehicle. We are to the point that we are seeking advice from legal counselor as buy backs for these vehicles have been done and yet Ford is stating that ours is over the mileage limit (keep in mind our vehicle has less than 33, 000 miles). We are insisting that they either take the vehicle back with NO NEGATIVE MARKINGS to our credit or put us in a vehicle that is going to be worth the money and not be in the shop as often as ours has been for a newer vehicle.
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