Demand Congress pass an assault weapons ban NOW

In 2023, there have already been more mass shootings in this country than days this year. Time and again, our leaders fail to stand up and put a stop to these tragedies. Our country is in a constant state of mourning – enough is enough.

One meaningful way to tackle this crisis is with an assault weapons ban. The tragic shootings in recent years in Uvalde, Parkland, Las Vegas, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, and so many more were carried out with an AR-15, a weapon designed to kill many people quickly. There is no reason for any civilian to have a weapon of war in their possession.

Congress has done it before and they can do it again. The 1994 assault weapons ban passed with bipartisan support and helped prevent mass casualties until it expired ten years later. Since then, Congress has refused to act, but we can't wait any longer.

Sign your name to demand Congress grow a spine and finally pass an assault weapons ban >>

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