Loss of confidence in Mrs May

The UK is in chaos. Mrs May, unelected by the British people, has proved herself unworthy of their trust. The majority of people, voted to leave the EU. Full stop. Brexit.

Mrs May and the Conservative government, are not honouring the democratic vote of the people.
She has promised and not delivered.

Against the wishes of the British people, Mrs May has signed away billions of pounds of taxpayers money.

Whilst thoudands are living below the poverty line, whilst children are suffering from malnutrition, Mrs May is turning her back on them, giving away the money that could help them.

The NHS is dying because it hasn't the funding to survive. Crime is soaring with a drastically reduced police force to tackle it. Illegal immigrants are flooding the country. Jihadists roam our streets. Murder, rape, muggings, burglaries, pet theft, abduction, kidnapping.....
The list goes on....

Those born in this country, are struggling to find homes amd jobs, whilst people from other countries are being allowed to take precedence, receiving help before those already on lengthy waiting lists.

The governments answer, to build more houses in overcrowded areas. To put even more strain on public services... 

So many people are frustrated and disolutioned with the way this country is being run into the ground. Nobody seems to know what to do. Various political parties accuse each other and many abuse their positions.
The government and those in power flaunt the office entrusted to them, with little or no regard for those who voted for them. Dishonesty and greed reign. The rich get richer, while everyone else suffers.

What is the future for our children?
The activists in the LGBT, or rather the LGBTQ, groups, are running rampant and authorities are allowing them.
Transgender issues have become nonsensical and dangerous.
Our children are prime targets for perversions and grooming.
They are being force fed ideas thst are confusing and endangering them. People are frightened of standing against these new rules of education, and indeed many other areas, in case they are prosecuted. Free speech is not free. Speech at all, carries dangers that are ever increasing.

We are told we can't do anything.
We are told we have to wait.
Wait on those who are not forthcoming with the truth.

Well we can do something.
We can sign a petition.
We can show our dissatisfaction by sheer numbers.

I'm not politically minded. I have no idea how these things work.
But, I do have immense concern for the people in our country. I do have immense concern for our children and their welfare. 

I can think of nothing else to do than start a petition.
If you think Mrs May should be held accountable for what she is doing, if you think she should resign, if you agree things need to change, please sign this petition.

There are others more qualified to lead this country. They have tried to stand amd have been silenced.
We can either grumble and stay silent, or we can do something positive.
I would like some honesty and openness for a change.
Thank you.

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