The homeless, mentally ill, transient, drug addicted and petty thieves inundating our neighborhood

Dear Mayor Garcia and Chief Luna,
We, the tax paying, voting citizens of Belmont Shore, Alamitos Heights, Naples, Belmont Heights, The Peninsula, Park Estates and surroundings are compassionate, caring people. We give of our time and money to help those down on their luck or struggling with mental health or addiction issues. However, we feel that our kindness has been mistaken for weakness. We feel threatened in our own neighborhoods now. Neighbors complain that they can't go to the parks, joggers take pepper spray with them, businesses are robbed, our garages are ransacked, our belongings are stolen, our cars are broken into. We are on high alert and are unable to enjoy our own neighborhood because we feel it has been taken over. We are sensitive to the politics of the situation but think that the bad guys know that the police have tied hands. We are sitting ducks. We feel that the Mayor and Chief of Police, along with our elected officials, don't care or don't know what to do. We are sick of having community forums on the topic. We are sick of meetings that produce a lot of wishy washy rhetoric. Please help us get tougher. It feels like we are being invaded and when we complain, we are told we're insensitive as if we're supposed to cower in fear, clutching our possessions, scared to leave the house rather than say we're sick of it. Mayor, Chief, we're SICK of it. Please help us.

Update #3vor 7 Jahren
Please join our newly launched Facebook page for ENUF Eastside Neighbors United Fully.

It's in the ugly, beginning stages but should grow nicely over the next few days and weeks. Plus we have lots of things planned.

Would love to have you on board!

Thank you for your continued support.


Update #2vor 7 Jahren
This is a TEST. Please email me at if you'd like to receive updates on how our petition is changing our community for the better!
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you so much for your support of our neighborhood by signing this petition. And now you can do more. We will present our petition to the Long Beach city council on Tuesday, May 23rd. I'll have more information regarding arrival time as the date nears. But please plan to attend. Our city council makes it no secret that they equate importance with attendance. We must have a large turn out. Each person counts. Please come by to support your neighborhood and spread the word! Rebecca
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