Independent Inquiry Into Gaza Flotilla Incident

Please support the UN motion to pursue a full, credible, impartial and independent investigation into the events of 31st May 2010, in which nine aid workers were killed.

It is vital to prevent tensions escalating further that the investigation ensures full accountability, commands the confidence of the international community, and includes the participation of international experts. Nobody who cares for the well-being of Palestinian or Israeli civilians can afford to be indifferent to the crisis in development.

Accordingly, those given the task of investigation must be impartial and authoritative; and it is imperative that their work should not be impeded by political considerations.
To the Members of the United States Congress

We the undersigned request your support for the UN motion to pursue a full, credible, impartial and independent investigation into the events of 31st May 2010, in which nine aid workers were killed.

It is vital to prevent tensions escalating further that the investigation ensures full accountability, commands the confidence of the international community, and includes the participation of international experts. Nobody who cares for the well-being of Palestinian or Israeli civilians can afford to be indifferent to the crisis in development.

Accordingly, those given the task of investigation must be impartial and authoritative; and it is imperative that their work should not be impeded by political considerations.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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