On weekdays our wifi shuts off at 11:30 p.m. and midnight on the weekends. There are many students on this campus that try to balance a full load of classes as well as a busy arts block and don't have time to get their work done during the day. This doesn't include the time needed for them to practice. Students tend to start their work at night after dinner but have hours worth of busy work given to them by their teachers. It's hard to get everything we need to get done before 11:30, while still maintaining a social life. We will use the extra wifi time to our advantage to get as much work done as possible in one night, while still maintaining a healthy night's rest. As important as finishing our work may be, a healthy night's rest is equally as important, and we shouldn't take advantage of that. I am asking for an extra hour and a half of wifi each night, as it will make us feel more confident with having extra time to complete our schoolwork while still getting enough sleep.
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