Demand Trump's Homeland Security Secretary resign for snatching children from parents

For 45 horrific days, it was the policy of the U.S. government to take children away from parents who had risked their lives to flee oppression and seek asylum within our nation's borders. Many of the separated families still do not know if they will ever be reunited with their loved ones.

While responsibility for this cruel policy lies with the President who ordered it, Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen executed, defended, and lied about it to the American public.

Following orders is not an excuse — there is no excuse for a policy that deliberately rips apart vulnerable families, and those responsible have no place in our government.

Nielsen oversaw the construction of tent cities for children torn from their parents, lied and said it was the law, and showed an appalling lack of heart at her defense of the situation.

This heinous chapter in American history cannot truly be put behind us so long as Nielsen maintains her post. Add your name to demand she resign immediately.

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