Expand Kinderberg Park!

Residents of the Germantown, Wisconsin School District: Please sign this petition to be a part of enhancing one of the wonderful parks that make Germantown a fantastic place to live!

The Germantown School Board is in the process of selling the property immediately south of Kinderberg Park to Veridian Homes. Veridian Homes plans to fill in the wetlands, remove native vegetation, disturb animal habitats, and build a subdivision that is inconsistent with the surrounding neighborhoods. Significant opposition to this project has been expressed by the citizens of Germantown. We ask the School Board to withdraw this property from the market and work with the Village Board, community groups, businesses, and private citizens of Germantown to find a solution that will allow this property to become an extension of Kinderberg Park.

If the School Board does not choose to participate in this effort, a group of concerned citizens will investigate the creation of a non-profit organization to acquire the property, with the intent to eventually donate it to the Village of Germantown as an extension of Kinderberg Park. Therefore, we ask the Germantown Village Board to delay any further action on rezoning this property until December 31, 2020. This will allow the citizens the time needed to organize and secure funding via donations and grants.

By: Friends of Kinderberg Park

Update #2vor 5 Jahren

Monday September 16th 7:00 pm Village Board Meeting
Village Hall, N112W17001 Mequon Rd

The Village Board will be voting on rezoning of the property south of Kinderberg Park to allow 24 homes to be built. The public hearing has been held open, so you will have the opportunity to speak your mind. But just your presence and applause for others will be incredibly important! A large turnout will help us hold our elected officials accountable to the people they serve. See you there!
Update #1vor 5 Jahren
Mon April 8th 6:30 pm Plan Commission Meeting!

Please remember to attend this very important meeting, where the Plan Commission is holding a public hearing and will vote on the Veridian proposal to build 27 homes on the property south of Kinderberg Park. Come to speak your mind, or just come to support your friends and neighbors.

Monday, April 8th at 6:30 pm at Village Hall, N112W17001 Mequon Rd (next to the library). See you there!
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