Bush's Advisor Equates Pro-Choice Americans With Terrorists: Demand an Apology!

Bush Advisor Says Pro-Choice = Terrorists!
At the same time that an historic number of women, men and children were marching for women's lives and reproductive freedom in Washington D.C., Karen Hughes, top political advisor to President Bush, equated pro-choice Americans with terrorists on national television.

On CNN, when asked about the difference between Bush and John Kerry on the issue of abortion, Hughes said: "I think after September 11th, the American people are valuing life more -- our enemies in the terror network -- don't value any life, not even the innocent, not even their own."

Comparing the pro-choice majority in this country to terrorists should be unacceptable, even for the Bush administration. Pro-choice leaders and Members of Congress have objected to this language, but Hughes refuses to retract her words.

It is outrageous for the Bush-Cheney campaign to try to use the events of 9/11 to insult pro-choice Americans and promote their own anti-choice policies! Sign below to send a message to George W. Bush, demanding an apology from him and Hughes, his senior campaign advisor.
President Bush,

I demand an apology from your top campaign adviser, Karen Hughes, for equating pro-choice Americans to terrorists. Not only is Hughes' charge an insult to all Americans for expressing their right to free speech and choice, but it seriously discredits your so-called "compassionate conservatism".
More than 1 million people marched for women's lives on April 25 -- and we will continue speaking out, demanding a change in your deceptive, anti-woman, right-wing agenda!

In a live interview on CNN, Karen Hughes made the following statement:

“I think after September 11th the American people are valuing life more and realizing that we need policies to value the dignity and worth of every life.
“And President Bush has worked to say, let's be reasonable, let's work to value life, let's try to reduce the number of abortions, let's increase adoptions.
“And I think those are the kind of policies that the American people can support, particularly at a time when we're facing an enemy, and really the fundamental difference between us and the terror network we fight is that we value every life. It's the founding conviction of our country, that we're endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, the right to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
“Unfortunately our enemies in the terror network, as we're seeing repeatedly in the headlines these days, don't value any life, not even the innocent and not even their own.” (CNN Late Edition, April 25, 2004)

By claiming that those who “value life” want to reduce abortions, then going on to say that the difference between us and the terrorists is that “we value every life,” Ms. Hughes’s argument sounds a lot like an effort to equate those who are pro-choice with terrorists. This is a dangerous, ugly and slanderous argument that has no place in our nation’s political discourse. To draw even a remote comparison between any law-abiding, patriotic American and the terrorists, whose goal is to wipe our country off the map, is not only insulting to law-abiding Americans, it shows particular disrespect to the victims of 9/11 and their families.

Ms Hughes comments have the potential to be extremely divisive by invoking the War on Terrorism. It is cheap and distasteful politics, and we ask you to take a stand against it.

We urge you to have Ms. Hughes apologize for her comments. We urge you to clarify for the public that reproductive choice and terrorism are completely unrelated issues and that all Americans, regardless of their beliefs about a woman’s right to choose, are united against the terrorists. This is important for the unity of our country and its political discourse. We urge you to take proper action.

The undersigned
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