Celebrate Your Birthday This Year By Fighting Cancer

Last year during a routine physical, Chris Housepian noted that he was having trouble swallowing. A week later, test results showed that he had a rare form of cancer.

That's why Chris's birthday this year is so special. This year, Chris is lucky to be celebrating another year of life, free of cancer.

Chris wanted to give back to City Hope because they continue making sure millions of other people facing cancer lead full and happy lives beyond their diagnoses. For this reason, he pledged his birthday to City of Hope and set up an online fundraising page.

City of Hope is a global leader in the fight against cancer. Every day they turn science into practical benefit. Chris is helping City of Hope turn hope into reality — and you can too! By pledging your birthday to the fight against cancer through an online fundraising page, you can help City of Hope continue to turn bold, innovative ideas into powerful new medical treatments.
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