Oppose CISPA and Unfettered Access to Americans' Internet Activity

Congress is preparing to soon vote on the Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). This broad legislation would give the government, including military spy agencies, unprecedented powers to snoop through people's personal information -- medical records, private emails, financial information -- all without a warrant, proper oversight or limits. Help stop it.

Please sign this petition to urge Congress to oppose cybersecurity legislation that violates our rights.
Subject: Oppose cybersecurity legislation that violates Americans' rights

To Members of Congress:

I oppose any cybersecurity legislation that allows companies to share sensitive and private information with military agencies, including the National Security Agency. It is a long-standing American value that our military does not operate on US soil against American citizens.

I strongly urge you to uphold this very important limitation and not allow the NSA unfettered access to Americans' internet activity.
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