Child sentenced to death on request by his lawyer - Call on Indonesia to commute his death sentence

Yusman was only 16 when he was taken into police custody, denied access to a lawyer and interrogated in a language he didn't understand.  He was beaten on a daily basis.

A boy, charged with murder, treated at his trial like an adult.

The prosecution sought life imprisonment, but Yusman's own lawyer requested the death penalty.  It was granted.

Yusman didn't even know he could appeal his case until now and despite this unfair trial and police investigation he remains sentenced to death. 

Act now! Call on President Widodo to commute Yusman's sentence and work towards abolishing the death penalty in Indonesia.
Dear President Widodo,

I am very concerned for Yusman Telaumbanua, an illiterate plantation worker, who has been sentenced to death in Indonesia for murder when he was allegedly 16 years old.

He did not have a lawyer during the police interrogation and was beaten and kicked on a daily basis. The investigation was conducted in a language he does not speak nor write, and he was not informed of his right to appeal against his conviction and sentence.

I call on you to urgently commute Yusman Telaumbanua's death sentence and all other death sentences in Indonesia, with a view to establishing an official moratorium on executions as a first step towards abolition of the death penalty.

[Your comments here]

Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
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