We want Ring of Honor to have a TV deal or at least a weekly webshow of their wrestling

Alot of wrestling fans like what they hear when someone talks about Ring of Honor. And also with alot of people mad at World Wrestling Entertainment for not putting on great wrestling shows and just putting sports entertainment. So I want you guys to try to get a tv deal or at least get a webshow cause alot of people I know will watch it, I know I will.
Lets look at the reasons why a Ring of Honor telivison show will do good. 1) These days wrestling fans are getting tired of not watching real wrestling and just watching sports entertainment 2) you're show is exactly that real wrestling, that is what us wrestling fans need a show with real wrestling 3)you're show is an alturnative to World Wrestling Entertainment and people like alteratives

P.S. If I we're topick a day to put a wrestling show I would pick wenseday because there is no wrestling on that day
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