Re-Class All Sentient Animals as Nonhuman Persons

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: UK Government, US Government, Congress, Indian Government, Chinese Government, Australian Government, New Zealand Government, Canadian Government, Irish Government, French Government, Greek Government, South African Goverment, Spanish Government and other

Hi 👋,
In the "food" industries, in "sports", in the fur industry, in the wool industry, the leather industry and by sick individuals, many, many, many animals are abused and killed. This could be changed if the governments of this world 🌍 were to change the legal status of animals from "property" to persons. This could hopefully classify the intentional, unjust violence against sentient animals as murder, torture, assault and causing bodily harm. The perpetrators, whether slaughterhouse workers, farmers, fur farmers/trappers, hunters, shearers, leather industry workers or just sick individuals, could then be given the same punishments and therapy as if they had murdered, kidnapped, hurt or harmed a human.
There is, apparently, ample scientific proof that animals are sentient. Their lives and feelings matter too and should be protected just as humans are.
Everyone who can be vegan should be vegan.
Please give yourselves and everyone you know (both human and nonhuman) some extra love 💗, loving-kindness, compassion, care, hugs 🤗 and healthy/non-food treats or indulgent treats in moderation (where safe and appropriate).
May you, all the animals and all other sentient beings be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever ♾ (hopefully extra lucky 🍀 symbols).
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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