Samsung please help stop this horrific cruelty towards innocent animals and man's best friend and companion.

It is horrible the way these innocent animals are being killed. Please help us with your signature to be their voice.

Your company is from South Korea and has a reputation to be one of the most ethical companies in the world. Why are you allowing your country to endorse " human conduct" that is beyond cruelty and immoral. The despicable ways  commercial dog and cat farms are carried out, brutal living conditions, it is despicable the way these people kill innocent animals!

We know there are still good hearted citizens in your country who have been asking their government to ban this atrocity for years. 

The world is watching and because of their great love for animals specially cats and dogs will decline to support your corporation depending on how you decide to act in regards to this disheartening, evil issue with your country.

It is shameful that at this point your company has not made any changes to stop this abhorrence.

Samsung will be sponsoring Pyeonchang Olympics, the dog meat trade is doing much damage to your corporate damage, why spend so much money on it?

Do you want your product image to suffer?

Samsung has a moral duty to be proactive in this matter. You must urge to the South Korean Government to put an end to the dog and cat meat trade once and for all!

We ask that you live up to your claim to inspire the world by standing up by what is right and let the world change their mind to the horrible example your country is conveying.

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