itravel2000 - stop promoting dolphinariums with vacation sales

When Canadians buy a vacation package through itravel2000, Canada's most popular on-line vacation portal, they are immediately offered a large variety of excursions, including swimming with the dolphins, and trips to amusement parks where dolphins, killer whales and belugas are held captive. This practice promotes animal abuse.

These dolphinariums are cruel forms of entertainment, and Canadians do not support this type of barbaric treatment of sentient sensitive ocean wildlife. Dolphins belong in the ocean, not in a tank.

Sign this petition if you would like itravel2000 to take an important step in the fight against systematic animal abuse which is very common in tourist destinations. Ask itravel2000 to remove the promotion of dolphin amusement parks from their vacation sales.

itravel2000 is the most popular vacation package portal in Canada. 

But you endorse animal cruelty when you package dolphinariums & swim-with-the-dolphin excursions with your vacations. Not only do you endorse and promote these types of activities, you profit from them!

We are asking itravel2000 to take a stand, and stop endorsing this type of cruelty. All dolphins in these parks are ripped apart from their families in the wild, using the most barbaric practices.  Public opinion towards these types of amusement parks is dropping drastically. Do the right thing and announce that these types of excursions will be dropped from your site.

Julie Bond
Toronto, Canada

Update #29 years ago
This is your last chance to forward, share and tweet this important petition that has already caught the attention of the travel industry. We will deliver this petition to itravel2000 next week, and then alert other vacation companies, such as SunWing that offer dolphin excursions with their packages. Thank you for your participation in this important event. Together we stand for dolphins.
Julie Bond
Update #110 years ago
We are getting ready to make a huge impact on the vacation industry. Our goal is 100,000 signatures. This petition will be personally delivered to the offices of

We're close to our goal. Please share to your facebook page, and tweet to your contacts, so that we can reach our goal.

Thank you
Julie Bond in Toronto, Canada

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