Help Save the Axolotl

  • by: Billy M
  • recipient: Mexican Government

The axolotl is a very cute and special animal, but this poor creature is endangered and soon to be extinct if we do nothing to help. This amphibian lives in the trash-infested streams of Lake Xochimilco in Mexico. One of the cool things about the axolotl is that it regenerates, or grows back lost limbs or body parts. For example, if you were to cut its arm off, it would grow back. It is a truly one of a kind animal.
The reason that this animal is endangered is because people dump their waste and pollute the Axolotl's habitat. These people need to be stopped. By signing this petition, you will be sending a message to the Mexican Government to clean up their lakes and make sure people do not irresponsibly dump their trash into the lakes of Mexico.
Why save the Axolotl? You should help save this innocent animal because it is important to the food chain, helps peoples' well being, and holds the key to regeneration. If it goes extinct, fish that eat it will not have food and die which will kill the fish that feed the people of Southern Mexico. Also, if we keep the animals alive, scientists could keep studying their abilities and possibly implement regeneration into humans.
We need your help, we can't do this alone. The Mexican Government needs to take action now and we are the only solution. Thank you for your consideration.

Update #27 years ago
Thank all of you for the love and support, let's keep raising awareness so we can reach our goal! Thank you!
Update #17 years ago
Thank you guys for all the support and keep spreading awareness of the Axolotl to get it saved. Thank you!
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