Ban Thief Stalker Emily Robertson from Social Media/Ecommerce Platforms Misuse & Job Duty

  • by: Ban Thief Stalker
  • recipient: Instagram, Tiktok, Etsy, Society6, other social media, video and image platforms

This is a calling to ban Thief Stalker and "Fraud" Emily Robertson from all social media and Ecommerce platforms on which she conducts her stalking and thefting acts; as well as ban her from social media jobs or provide such duties to third parties due to her serious misusage of social media for  her years of violating behaviors that show no signs of slowing down upon warnings: hyper intensive harassment, stalking, monitoring, thefting, intruding privacy, data breach, mental disturbance and abuse.

This new breed of "Identify Theif and Fraudster" lives in an identity that is not hers but copied and stole from others. From her looks, to words and careers, this Public Bus (will let anyone get on and is cheap) steals LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING, for years!

In 2021, she did a completely make over of herself (through copying) by hiding up photos and videos that reflects her "true humble self" on Instagram and Tiktok, thinking she is not dumb and cheap any more. Can you say it is not "dumb and cheap" by COPYing everything (big or small) from the same victim for 6 years and still feels comfortable "in her fake skin" being a Fraud and Identity Thief? Despite knowing she is exposed and a campaign is going against her, she has showed no remorse and conscience, another disturbing mental issue along with obsessive stalking as called out by psychologist.

It would be perfect of course if only…she covered up everything to pretend this is really who she is. Yet unfortunately a trail of everything has been well documented for all the years of stalking, copying and thefting. Sadly for the Phony Fraud her past is up for exposure with solid records.

It is time for stalking organizations, social media and online platforms or even the law to start recognizing such type of stalking as social media is an even more popular and important channel among the young generations. While online stalking is even harder to remove than physical stalking and lasts much longer, there is a solution through establishing more commonly known rules and guidelines:

All social media and online platforms should have rules and guidelines in place that will take actions over such stalking behaviors. These policies shouldn't be just applicable to an US president but rather more commonly applied across common violators. Employers shall not employ the online stalkers, let alone hiring them for social media or online related job responsibilities.

Do not associate the severity of the case to the number of signed petitioners. The case IS SEVERE as said by psychologist. It is controlled behavior to not let the case gain momentum or mass attention because this social media offender doesn't even deserve notoriety.

The petition link is meant to keep a timeline of events for records, than raising awareness of her conducts to a wide audience.

Emily Robertson has around 10 major career paths she takes on through maniacally stalking, monitoring and stealing from the same victim for many years on social media. She has demonstrated strong mental illness signs with no shame, remorse, guilt and conscience.

For 2021, Emily Robertson has earned the True "Social Media Identity Theft" award. The Shameless has taken to its extreme to give herself a complete make over through instantly copying everything from the victim by maniacally spying, searching, tracking, monitoring and stalking the victim who is trying to hide her. Only so she will be able to steal and take a shortcut for her own life. The victim has changed three websites and 2 dozens of social media accounts alone within 6 months of the year. There is no way for her to manage to track down the victim without some intensive and constant tracking and monitoring!

In 2022 she continued her makeover and upgrade process knowing precisely what kind thief stalker and identity theft herself is. This despicable fraud has totally owned and feels entitled to whatever she steals by living under "a copied and fake identity" as if it is her own creation – from looks, to words, ideas and careers. She flaunted everything she stoled in front of her small friend circles to garner their compliments.

But it is guaranteed she will soon see what is coming at her – there is a price for being shameless and not doing the right things in the end. The old days of "Do Whatever to Get What You Want" are gone – social media might make stalking, disturbing and thefting easier; it also makes exposures much easier as well. Shortcut is a common word used to describe those who tried to trick their success in a faster and unethical way but only end up falling badly in the end. It summarizes Emily Robertson's ultimate ending.

Any of her career path as direct results of these thefting shall also be put to sleep as it is her major motives in stalking, monitoring and disturbing the victim. Only PR and blogging are her original careers. Digital, strategist, modeling, digital arts/illustrations, Tiktok content creation, writing and more to come are direct results of thefting over the years, shockingly from the same victim.

Taking off photos reflecting her humble beginnings and true self won't cover up or bury her past. The record has already been documented of how she step by step over the years stalked, copied and stole everything. The illegitimate Make Over is nothing but a short sighted self sabortage.


Section I. Emily Robertson's History of Social Media Stalking and Thefting Overview

Since 2016, Emily Robertson has intensely and maniacally monitored, tracked and stolen from one single victim on a daily to 24/7 basis. The victim gave up established identities, changed multiple websites and two dozens of social media accounts in an effort to restore peace after years of disturbance. Emily Robertson has always managed to intensely micro-search to find the victim and continue her self benefiting stalking and thefting at the severe disturbance of others. 

Social media is more of a means used by her for self benefits at the extreme and long term costs of others well beings. Despite repetitive, serious warnings and an ultimatum, Emily Robertson has callously showed no remorse, conscience and guilt in stopping her greedy, sinful acts. She walked around flaunting from in and out, looks to words, ideas and careers what she stole with no shame. All the maniac stalking and disturbance is solely for her self-benefits at the greater costs of others: to copy and steal from the victim.

Knowing a campaign is going on against her and she is getting exposed, Emily Robertson continued the intrusion and disturbance through stalking and thefting. It is truly no shame at its epitome. The victim let her steal at least 5 major things among tons of others and chose to give up established identities just to get away from her, that is not enough for her and she apparently wanted life long disturbance and intrusions. 

Now she won't be allowed to keep any of the things she stole over the years, in (careers) and out (looks). Where she comes from, is where she has to go back.

There are several occasions she has shown her "drive and goals", which itself is a type of thefting from the victim. It turns out all these higher purposes are in essence the lowest remarks of her as a "human being" as her only drive and goals are carried out through copying and thefting! She will literally copy any- and everything major or minor, from careers, ideas to looks and words. It is truly despicable and disgusting. 2021 marks the summit of her stalking and thefting. She is truly an action taker, by action – it is simply copying and thefting. ​

In 2021, after making her goal statement as if she is an upbeating person, she completely revamped her looks – by copying the direction of her victim and hiding up photos and videos reflecting her humble and true self on Instagram and Tiktok! Her upgraded looks since 2016 is a complete identity theft.

For the unfortunate victim, it is years of mental disturbance, harassment and lack of peace, deprived freedom; not a day passed by without feeling being watched constantly with no privacy, distress and annoyance. As such Emily Robertson's sinful acts will no longer be tolerated and must come to an end.

No Shame is not a character issue, but rather a mental illness issue. Typically, those without a sense of shame are narcissistic, amoral, psychopathic personalities that has no guilt, remorse and conscience. Saying that they "just don't care" is an understatement. They are well beyond caring and at the point of self-actualization regardless of the costs to other people.

No wonder psychologist has called her an exploiting predator certain with mental issues and the case is serious -


Section II. Psychologist on Emily Robertson's Behaviors being Serious with Mental Issues

Dr (XXX) PhD, Psychologist -

"Not all stalkers have full blown personality disorder. Some stalkers might just have a few features of a personality disorder. Maybe your stalker has an obsessional thinking patterns and jealousy delusions - can't stop themselves. Might have, for example, obsessive compulsive disorder, mild brain damage.

Maybe the mediocre-ness u describe suggests intellectual impairment which may contribute to copying behaviour.

Some people have no empathy - dont understand how their behaviour may hurt others. I'm sorry this happening. If your copy thief has been bothering people such as u for so long-it does seem treatment is indicated.

Psychologist Question: What sort of things does she copy from you?

how many times has this happened to you?

How many years has it been happening for?

how many times did u have to change your identify?

If u have any other clues u think might be useful, please share:"


The amount of times she has copied you

- Major career paths at least 7 times. Small things tons of time, eg she will tend to post on social media after the victim always

What kind of things she copies

- Her career, copy the victim's words and post on social media after the victim. Now she is also polishing up her looks, her photo quality, her goals and drives etc. per "motivation" from the victim. It is like major make over for her through stalking and thefting.

The amount of times u have had to change your identity

- Several websites in 2 years (two changes in six months) and two dozens of social media accounts changes to avoid getting found and many things else.

Dr (XXX) PhD, Psychologist -

"She sounds like a real 'copy cat?" She copies your looks, comments, many words - and has boasted about careers she took from you?

That sounds fairly serious - and awful for u

So sorry to hear about these details :("

Not just a career, many careers She boasted as if she is the originator of all. Any small things I post she will use that as a way to upgrade herself and pick up something from it

"Oh, she's a big boaster, then...

Thanks for the extra information - especially that u have noticed that this person copies 'every little thing' you say or do.

if this person is copying 'everything u do' since 2016, and you've had to change several websites past 2 years, and numerous social media handlers - this strongly suggests mental health problems.

The research said there are 5 types of stalkers: rejected, intimacy seeking, incompetent, resentful, and predatory.

it sounds like she's followed you around for years, is using and exploiting you, and she sounds really obsessed - if she's copying a lot of detail. To me, she sounds like a predatory stalker.

Maybe the lawyer will tell you something that you and I don't know

For example, that - it's illegal to keep copying people, to steal their identities, or something.

Once again, sorry to hear this has been happening to you.

Your view that she is very 'greedy' and 'hungry' is important.

The meaning of predatory behaviour of a person in psychology is:

"an individual ... whose actions are rapacious or exploitative."

Rapacious - means greedy and hungry.

In this light, your stalker seems to be predatory - she can't stop herself from copying you.

As for mental illness, it's too hard to say, but I'll give you a some possible examples:

- Delusional Disorder

- Narcissistic personality disorder

- Depression with psychotic features"

These could be some causes of actions:

invasion of privacy. Nuisance. Stalking. Harassment. Cyber stalking, conversion of personal property, intentional infliction of emotional damage, negligent infliction of emotional damage, breach of private data
Section III. Emily Robertson's Disturbing Thefting and Stalking Behaviors in Details (Since 2016)

Evidence and proofs have been documented to prove everything so there is literally ZERO chance for Emily Robertson to deny or play victim's game that this is harassment or hater's attack. With evidence to back up whatever accusations, there is no chance for anyone to deny anything about Emily Robertson's abnormal behaviors and the history of stalking and thefting. If only the victim could step out then all will be instantly clear. Yet such information is impossible to reveal to the public due to privacy concerns and the fact Emily Robertson is nobody to worth the step.

Usher: "A Thief will Steal..."

Just like dead people don't know they are dead, shameless people don't know they are shameless...Same for shameless, no boundary people like Emily Robertson, who doesn't feel bad about being a cheap, shameless thief. Lack of empathy and disregard others' wellbeing indicate a sick, predator pattern.

Years ago, a rightful judgement has been made that Emily Robertson is shameless and dumb. She is trying to prove she is not, by stealing everything from whoever made those precise judgement on her (which is a shameful act itself), and disturbingly stalk her victim to the degree of maniac – all in return proves again what she is trying to disprove – she is shameless and dumb!

Read till the end for the thriller....

Let's take a look at the timelines of events when she steals literally everything from her target:

  1. The foundation and true base of Emily Robertson in 2016 is quite ordinary, aka who she really and naturally is. If you noticed someone different now who is projecting a different image than this, it is because she stole in the copy manner about every move from her victim to bloat herself up. And nope she didn't "made it" on her own.
  2. Next, she posted a photo wearing a bra, not to be "sexy", but to forth-forwardly show support of her notorious, toxic and low quality homewrecker friend who have been called out by many psychologists as having seriously mental issues as well. At this point we know Emily Robertson is SHAMELESS, low quality and likely the same kind because she sees no shame or anything wrong in her friend's behaviors. In the coming years it is proven the support comes from a place they are really the same kind of toxic, shameless people who see each others' behaviors as "normal" and not a big deal.
  3. In 2018, shortly after her victim posted about modeling life in an interview, Emily Robertson "launched" her amateur modeling "journey" (which never go anywhere except can be a flaunt to close friends). Before this, she was just a blogger. What a clone Clown's first thefting act. With her mediocrity, you can imagine her ordinary modeling poses.
  4. In May 2018, she became a digital coordinator, which is the second copy act from her victim, as the victim was promoting digital career a lot.
  5. In May 2019, merely less than 2 months after her victim announced being a digital strategist, she got a new job title as an Assistant Digital Strategist. What a third "coincident"! Except she is always the one following and copying the public announcement of her victim. Not the other way around. She is now calling herself a strategist, laughable fact since she is far from or even know what a strategist entails. Can you imagine someone who is only good at copying and stealing being a strategist?!! Her strategy is really copy, steal, play tricks and take shortcut while boasting stolen things as her own.
  6. Around July 2019 or earlier, just after her victim announced and started making digital arts work, she started making ordinary illustration digital arts, far from on par with her victim. It took slightly longer than getting the digital strategist title since apparently she needs to learn the craft of making illustrations.
  7. While most of her job titles were copied and stolen ideas from the victim, she'd flaunt her copied "careers" in front of the only audience: close friends as if it is her own thing. She literally copied many words to use as if it is her creation as well. While creating "art" after copying what her victim is doing (except at a much mediocre level), she even shamelessly announced how proud she is of herself, through doing something she took the idea (out of one of the many) from others.
  8. On Jan 12, 2021, she made an annoucement on one of her stolen career's instagram page that she has taken time during the holiday to slow down, and reevaluate how she wants her "brand" to be. It seems like she is so driven and upbeat to make 2021 count. Turns out her whole 2021 goal and plan is to up her game in copying and stealing. The victim's hiding is obviously a heavy punch to fulfilling her "self improvement goals", which is why she felt death like desperation. Even the word "brand" is a stolen word as just used not long again by the victim in referring to the victim's brand. At this point we are super clear that Emily Robertson is not only a public bus that will copy and steal "EVERY- and ANY-THING", but she depicts the exact definition of what being disgusting and low self-esteem is.
  9. On Jan 14, 2021, merely days after her victim announced the type of content for a new tiktok account, Emily Robertson The Shameful Great also started a new tiktok account, mimicking the same content style as announced by her victim. She already had a casual tiktok account for over a year since 2019 posting random messy content yet never made any move on the content style she is now copying. Yet merely three days after the victim announced the plan, she is finally in? There aren't that many co-incidents happen over and over again, PERIOD. Now she has deleted all videos on her casual account to cover up her humble past and true colors.
  10. What is really disturbing and creepy is, Emily Robertson's victim announced the plan on an old social media account which hasn't been used for two years. The victim started reusing the account feeling safe Emily Robertson will not be monitoring it since it hasn't been used for so long. From this antique instagram account, Emily Robertson did her spy work and found her victim's tiktok account as well as her victim's announcement of new content plan, which the long time thief Emily Robertson quickly copied. You can imagine the horror nature of such disturbing stalking and thefting over the years and being relentlessly watched and copied from hyper intensively by Emily Robertson. The victim is having prolonged after shock effect since realizing how disturbing and obsessive the stalking and watching is that even old, antique accounts are so closely monitored after years of no usage, and no details or minor clues are ever missed out by Emily Robertson 24/7 (don't even play the idea that maybe she didn't see it…maybe she didn't notice it. Nothing is missed out by Emily Robertson); on top of knowing every day the watching, stalking and copying, stealing for years...
  11. Days after the victim noticed it and started hiding, she posted a tiktok video showing her anger and sarcasm over the victim she leeched on for years taking shortcut for her life after she got caught with creating this tiktok account by copying ideas from her victim again (out of many times). This TikTok account was born of a copying and thefting. Majority of the job titles on her linkedin was actually copied from the victim. The video is literally a confession of her stalking and monitoring. She said:"So everyone just have a secret account huh" days after the victim started hiding.
  12. On Instagram she also posted a face of death and desperation right after noticing the victim started hiding from her. She is in distraught that feels like death because she realized her benefit supply and shortcut for life have now been cut off. If she needs to copy everything the victim is doing in order to advance herself because she is too ordinary to begin with, this is hell no good for her future to get cut off. Don't forget, she made an announcement how she is proud of herself from something she is doing that was one of the copy she made from the victim. Her level of feeling no shame is truly paramount and unprecedented. Shockingly, she never demonstrated any amount of desperation for being called out as cheap, shameless, mediocre and low quality, reflecting her severe lack of empathy - another troublesome character trait.
  13. In March 2021, 3 months after Emily Robertson discovered the victim's new direction through extensive, maniac monitoring and tracking, she landed a new job at a PR agency in the same niche as the victim – same old copy pattern that lasted for years… 
  14. In the meanwhile, she started polishing her look and appearance in this same niche as well. The change of look is one of the many theftings as well going forward…
  15. Since July - Aug 2021, apparently Emily Robertson the Maniac Stalker has managed to discover her victim's two new online identities (out of many created in sequence to avoid her after the previous one was discovered by her) and 12th+ new social media accounts all created to hide from her to have life's freedom. Every new accounts created to get away from her was digged up without a miss.
  16. From July 23, 2021, if you noticed she stopped posting on this TikTok account, the reason is after stealing and copying from her victim, she found out the victim is going another direction in content styles. So the last few videos came out couple of days after she found it out (see 10). It makes no sense for her to continued this copied tiktok account any more since it is not what her victim is doing.
  17. On Oct 3, 2021, she came back posted two more videos. One is about getting passport photos – one day after her victim announced on a private social network (which she is able to track down only through maniac monitoring) of getting passport and ready to fly.
  18. Of course various other signs have been pointing to that she started copying and developing her skills in the areas the victim is doing now since she made the discovery in July – August 2021 (see 10). Evidence has been collected that will connect the dots in terms of timelines so once she makes it public of her new "careers" we know for sure they are copies.
  19. On Dec 28, 2021, she finally came back to Tiktok and post consistently again. Why? Just like 2021, new year new plan and "goals". She started upgrading her video quality and content styles after absorbing the ideas and juice from her victim. Took some time off to "reshape and enhance her skills" according to what she learned from tracking down her victim.
  20. Of course various other signs have been pointing to that she started copying and developing her skills in the areas the victim is doing now since she made the discovery in July – August 2021 (see #11). Evidence has been collected that will connect the dots in terms of timelines so once she makes it public of her new "careers" we know for sure they are copies.
  21. On Aug 22, 2021, Emily Robertson made an insta post of her reading a book about writers. In the meanwhile, she brought her sister, who is in creative writing and film making, over to live in New York. All are new things the victim started doing Emily Robertson found out​​ through tracking down the victim who wants to hide from her. Another shameless, bashful copy from the victim. For years she made social media captions that is tasteless and nonsense. Ever since Aug 2021 she has improved her caption writing skills. 
  22. From Sep – Oct 2021, after repetitive warnings and an ultimatum that actions will be taken if any stalking and thefting continues, Emily Robertson callously showed no signs of remorse, conscience and slow up of any bit of stalking. The day after the ultimatum, she updated her illustration account and published new work on her Etsy account to show her disregards of the victim's wish as if she has a rights to stalk, disturb and own what she stole from others.
  23. On Oct 3, 2021, this sacarstic copy thief posted on tiktok of getting passport photo, a day after the victim posted getting passport and ready to move aborad. Another one of the million copies demonstrating this fraudster will copy even minor things. In December 2021, she is claiming she lives in London and in Jan 2021 Tiktok has updated to nyc/ldn since her victim also has a multi city status. In December 2021 she disclosed on Tiktok that she is making a plan about Paris. Both London and Paris are on her victim's multi city location list.
  24. From end of Dec 2021, the stalking thief is finally back to tiktok, ready to upgrade herself again as the "new year goal", spending the time in between to catch up whatever skills needed through copy the victim's new movement. What a "goal driven" thief lol. 
  25. Even friendship is part of the copy act. One of her closest friend (being from a certain geographic region) become so only because it is another copy after the victim. That friendship didn't start genuinely as this friend would think but just a means to an end – to copy what her victim has.

Freedom and peace of mind was deprived again from the innocent victim who she leeched on for years. You are rest assured after this victory of spying discovery, she is on her way for the Nth rounds of copying and thefting of what the victim is doing now....

Section IV. Petition Requests

This matter has now reached it severity and is taken seriously. Here are the petition requests in three categories:

  1. Emily Robertson has to stop any of her careers that are the results of thefting, including but not limited to: visual arts/illustrations, modeling, strategist, content creation resembling the styles of her victim, anything new she is now developing in 2021 but haven't announced publicly yet.
  2. Emily Robertson shall be banned from these social media platforms, as well as any future or anonymous accounts she creates, including but not limited to these platforms:

-       Instagram

-       Tiktok

-       Any new social media, video, live and image sharing platforms she'd use to stalk the victim or showcase content that she stole or will steal from the victim

  1. Emily Robertson shall be banned from these platforms where she makes sales with work she has done through thefting:

-      Etsy

-      Society6

-      Any other platforms she uses to make sales of her work that is a result of thefting, including the thefting of a career path

  1. Emily Robertson shall be banned from conducting any social media related work, provided directly to a company or any third parties through a company. It is irresponsible to put such a person exploiting and harming others through social media to do social media work. Including but not limited to:

-       Current employers

-       Future employers

-       Any relevant third party service receivers

  1. All social media, Ecommerce and other online platforms should come up with more strict and commonly known rules and guidelines to ban and shun stalkers or hackers similar to Emily Robertson. Her case is not alone – it is pretty universal nowadays and social media privacy policy should start catching up on this.
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