Tell AirBridgeCargo Airlines to Adopt a Ban on Transporting Monkeys for Experimentation!

We've received disturbing reports that the Russian airline AirBridgeCargo is regularly shipping monkeys from China to the U.S., where they will be cruelly experimented on in laboratories. PETA and our supporters have persuaded nearly every major airline in the world—including Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and United Airlines—to stop transporting monkeys to laboratories, yet it seems that AirBridgeCargo is falling behind this compassionate industry standard and scheduling shipments of monkeys from China at least twice a week.

Every year, thousands of nonhuman primates are transported from countries such as China, Mauritius, and Vietnam to the U.S. and the European Union to be imprisoned in laboratories and tormented in experiments. Some are bred in captivity on cramped, squalid factory farms, while others are taken from their families in the wild. The traumatized monkeys are crammed into small wooden crates and transported in the dark and terrifying cargo holds of planes for as long as 30 hours. It was reported to PETA that shipping crates carrying primates and being handled by AirBridgeCargo were leaking urine and feces and that some monkeys in poor condition were denied any assistance or care. Once the animals arrive in the U.S., they are transported to facilities where they're imprisoned in tiny cages and often cut open, poisoned, crippled, addicted to drugs, shocked, and killed.

Please sign the petition to let AirBridgeCargo know that cruelty doesn't fly and that it should join other industry leaders—including Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, El Al Airlines, Philippine Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, and dozens of others—that refuse to take any part in this violent industry and prohibit the transportation of primates to laboratories.

Subject: Please Adopt a Ban on Transporting Monkeys for Experimentation!

Dear [Decision maker], 

I was dismayed to learn that AirBridgeCargo Airlines may be shipping monkeys to laboratories, even though almost every other major airline in the world has stopped this cruel practice. In laboratories, monkeys are routinely mutilated, poisoned, deprived of food and water, forcibly immobilized in restraint devices, infected with painful and deadly diseases, psychologically tormented, and killed. In addition, they suffer from long and grueling transport in the cargo holds of your planes and on the backs of trucks. For these reasons, more than 100 airlines--including United Airlines, Air China, Delta Air Lines, Lufthansa, and American Airlines--refuse to ship monkeys to laboratories or laboratory suppliers. It's shameful that AirBridgeCargo may be lagging behind and supporting this ethically reprehensible practice.

Please join leading airlines by adopting and adhering to a formal policy that prohibits the transport of monkeys to laboratories in order to ensure that your company plays no role in the suffering of these highly intelligent and sensitive animals.

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