The United Nations (UN) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is the governing body made responsible for all international aviation emissions. They're holding a General Assembly (which only occurs every few years) from 27 September to 7 October 2022.
Most international aviation emissions are completely unaccounted for by most countries. Furthermore, there are essentially no policies enacted that will prevent rapid emissions growth during this next crucial decade for climate action. ICAO's best effort to date, was to introduce something call the "Carbon Offsetting & Reduction Scheme for International Aviation" (CORSIA), which has been widely criticised as inadequate and ineffective for curbing the sector's emissions.
As aviation workers, we recognise the inherent danger that unchecked, rising emissions pose to our jobs. We believe that ICAO's failure to adopt more robust climate policies is flying the aviation industry towards disaster, triggering a major industry crash - and one that is highly likely to prove far more severe, and far more permanent, than the turbulence caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
From our perspective: global governments and multi-national bodies like ICAO appear to be in a state of paralysis – unable to heed the warning signs and red lights blinking in the flight deck. This is code red for humanity and our aviation sector: and we're lacking courage from our leaders.
Throughout this ordeal: aviation workers have been relegated to the passenger seat. We have no input on our fate. This should not, and cannot, be the case. We are the people who built this industry, we operate it, and we can transform it.
We simply need to recognise that we have the agency, and the expertise, to do so.
Sign this petition if you believe that aviation workers should be at the controls when planning and navigating a sustainable future for air travel and demand: "ICAO: Perform an Aviation Workers' Climate Assembly, NOW!"